Cynllun y Babell


Adroddiad gan Dylan Bryn Cyf yn dilyn yr ymgynghoriad cymunedol.

Cynllun Busnes Babell


Cynnig gan Antur Aelhaearn:


Datblygu canolfan dehongli hanes yn Llanaelhaearn:


 Beth ydi Antur Aelhaearn ?

Fe sefydlwyd yr Antur bron i ddeugain mlynedd yn ôl ac mae amcanion yn bodoli o hyd o fewn ei chyfansoddiad. Fe’u rhestrir fel a ganlyn;

  • I sicrhau a hyrwyddo bodolaeth Llanaelhaearn a’i chyffiniau fel cymuned ac yn arbennig i atal a gwrthdroi y duedd tuag at ddiboblogi.
  • I ddarparu cyflogaeth yn yr ardal ar i’r diben hwn, i sefydlu neu ddenu unrhyw ddiwydiant, masnach neu fusnesion a oedd yn gydnaws â chymeriad yr ardal.
  • I ddarparu tai, cyfleusterau neu wasanaethau, pan fyddai eu hangen, a fyddai o fudd i’r gymdeithas.
  • Pan fyddai angen hwyluso’r ffordd i gyflawni’r uchod, i ddarparu unrhyw wasanaeth, masnach neu fusnes priodol. Mae’r amcanion uchod yn cynnwys yr holl elfennau angenrheidiol sydd eu hangen ar gyfer creu cymuned gynaliadwy, cymuned sydd yn economaidd ac yn ddiwylliannol gryf a chadarn
  • .Ein gweledigaeth ar gyfer creu canolfan dehongli hanes yn Llanaelhaearn: Gobaith yr Antur yw datblygu canolfan hanes a fyddai’n cael ei sefydlu unai yn adeilad yr Antur ei hyn neu yn adeilad capel y Babell. Fe brynwyd y capel 6 mlynedd yn ôl. Mae’r capel mewn cyflwr drwg a bydd angen arian sylweddol i`w wedd newid.Mae adeilad yr Antur, yn hanesyddol, wedi ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer mentrau busnes ac fel adnodd ar gyfer hyfforddiant yn ystod y 40 mlynedd ddiwethaf. Mae’r ddau safle mewn lleoliadau canolog yn y pentref ac yn cynnig llefydd parcio.‘ Mae gan y pentref hanes cyfoethog, boed hynny yn hanes hynafol ac yn hanes diweddar
  • .Tre`r Ceiri:
  • Mae Tre`r Ceiri yn safle treftadaeth sydd yn cael ei ystyried yn un o’r  caerau Oes Haearn pwysicaf yng ngwledydd Prydain. Mae cannoedd o bobol (nifer  ohonynt yn dwristiaid) yn dringo pob blwyddyn i ymweld ag olion y cytiau crwn ar y copa. Mae’r Antur yn awyddus i ddenu yr ymwelwyr hynny, a`r rhai sydd ddim yn dringo i`r copa, a darparu ar eu cyfer arddangosfa a sioe rhyngweithiol  sy`n dehongli  hanes Tre`r Ceiri mewn modd teilwng
  • Hanes y chwareli: Mae carreg ithfaen gwaith mawr Llanaelhaearn yn rhan allweddol o hanes lleol a datblygiad y pentref ir hyn ag y mae heddiw. Ein gobaith yw cyfleu hanes y chwareli a bywyd y chwarelwyr hynny a’u teuluoedd
  • .Enwogion yr ardal:            Mae nifer o enwogion o’r ardal sydd â hanes difyr a lliwgar. Mae darluniau Robat Hughes UwchlawFfynnon o gymeriadau a tirluniau yr ardal yn cael eu hystyried yn rhai pwysig iawn o’i gyfnod. Mae nifer o’i weithia wedi cael eu harddangos yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru.Gafodd Syr David Hughes Parry ei eni a`i addysg yn yr ardal. Gwaith Syr David fel bargyfreithiwr a roddodd bodolaeth i adroddiad ar yr iaith Gymraeg a greuodd sail ar gyfer Deddf yr Iaith Gymraeg 1967 – y deddf a gynnigiodd dilysrwydd cyfartal i`r Gymraeg â`r Saesneg am y tro cyntaf yn ei hanes.I ehangu`r gorwelion, fe ellid ychwanegu cyfnod Dafydd Ieuan a Ciaan Ciaran yn Llanaelhaearn o 1970-1980, aelod o`r Super Furry Animals, a gafodd 16 o albyma` yn Top 40 y siartia Prydeinig! Hanes yr Antur:

    Mae gan yr Antur y Gydweithfa Gymunedol [Community Cooperative] gyntaf yn  y DU pan y sefydlwyd yn 1974. Mae’n

    hanes pwysig gan fod sefydlu’r Antur wedi ysgogi datblygiadau tebyg hyd a lled y wlad a gafodd sylw eang iawn yn y byd fel antur llawn weledigaeth a dyfeisgarwch am sut i ateb problema` cefn gwlad

    Creu Cyflogaeth:            

    Ein gobaith yw creu swyddi i dri aelod o staff dwyieithog yn y ganolfan.   gan gynnwys tywyswyr i gaer Tre’r Ceiri a siop yn ystod yr haf.  

    Yn yr hir-dymor:

    Ein gobaith yw dwyn sylw rhyngwladol  i`r trysorau lleol  a hybu gwybodaeth am hanes  yr ardal dros y 5,000 o flynyddoedd diwethaf gan sicrhau gogwydd Cymreig a Chymraeg/dwyieithog i’r hanes !

    I grynhoi, ‘rydym yn awyddus i`r ganolfan fod yn rhan allweddol o’n strategaeth i adfywio’r pentref ac adennill hyder yr ardal   wrth ini greu cyfleoedd ar gyfer cyflogaeth i bobol leol a hybu diwydiant twristiaeth `diwylliannol` yn ehangach.

Porth i Lyn

Atyniad  ymwelwyr pwysig i’r ardal gyfan.

Gydag arddangsfa o dreftadaeth yr Ardal, gan gynnwys tre’r Ceiri. Gobeithir sefydlu y ganolfan ddehongli mewn partneriaeth gyda CADW ac Archeoleg Gwynedd. Bydd hwn yn adnodd addysg bwysig.


Bydd hanes yr Antur ei hun hefyd yn bwysig i eraill sydd am efelychu ei lwyddiant.



Bydd yno ofod I enwogion y fro fel Syr David Hughes Parry, John Baum a’r Super Furry Animals.


Arddangosfa o’r Felin Wynt, gan ddangos faint o drydan mae yn ei gynhyrchu a faint o garbon diocsid mae wedi ei arbed.

Siop crefftau a chynnyrch lleol a nwyddau twristiaeth.

Mae’r prosiect yma yn cynnig cyfleon cyflogaeth sylweddol.


  • Gweithgor Partneriaeth Porth i Lyn 7/7/14Siambr Hywel Dda, Cyngor Gwynedd, CaernarfonWorking Party Gateway To Llyn Partnership


    Carl Clowes                                               Antur Aelhaearn

    Richard Parry Hughes                            Antur Aelhaearn

    Lynda Cox                                                  Antur Aelhaearn

    Bleddyn Jones                                           AHNE/ANOB

    Andrew Godber                                       Ymddiriedolaeth Cenedlaethol/National Trust

    Rolant Evans                                             Cyngor Gwynedd Council

    Ian Halfpenny                                           CADW

    Emily La Trobe-Bateman                       Archeoleg Gwynedd Archeology

    Wyn Williams                                            Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru/Natural Resources Wales


    Carl Clowes yn y gadair

    Carl Clowes in the chair


    Focws heddiw ar Tre Ceiri yn unig er fod gan Antur Aelhaearn gais cynllunio i mewn, fydd yn y diwedd yn cael effaith ar ganlyniadau ein trafodaeth. Dwi wedi poeni ers y 1970au sut i warchod y safle. Mae llawer yma yn gwybod mwy am yr hanes a cyfrifoldeb am dre ceiri mewn un ffordd neu’r llall.

    Gawn ni glywed yn unigol gan bawb beth yw ei cyfrifoldebau/bwriad

    The focus today will be on Tre Ceiri only even though Antur Aelhaearn have a planning application in which will eventually have an impact on our discussions. I have been worried about ways to conserve this site since the 1970s. Others here know more about the history and have responsibility for Tre Ceiri in one way or another.

    Rolant Evans

    Mae treftadaeth/twristiaeth yn ased pwysig i Gwynedd. Ar hyn o bryd dwi yn gweithio ar Ein Treftadaeth gyda partneriaid allweddol yn cynwys Conwy, Ymddiriedolaeth Cenedlaethol, CADW, Ffordd y Pererinion. Byddwn yn rhannu gwybodaeth ar sut i farchnata twristiaeth a treftadaeth ac unrhyw effaith ar y safle. Fe fydd rhywfaint o wybodaeth ar ein gwefan.

    Heritage/tourism is a valuable asset to Gwynedd. At the moment I am working on Our Heritage in partnership with Conwy, National Trust, CADW, the Pilgrim’s Way. We will share information on how to market heritage and tourism and any impact on the site. There is some information on our website.

    Ian Halfpenny

    Cadw tre Ceiri mewn cyflwr da ac yn agored i’r cyhoedd gyda elfen o wybodaeth lle bo angen. Rydym am gynnal trafodaeth gyda tirfeddianwr y safle, nid oes les gyda CADW mewn lle. Byddwn hefyd yn cyfarfod gyda’r tenant newydd i drafod rheolaeth y stoc ar ochor y mynydd. Mae rhywfaint o arian ar gael tuag at cadwraeth a cynnal a chadw.

    Keep Tre Ceiri in a good condition and open to the public with an element of interpretation where necessary, CADW do not have a lease in place. We will be meeting with the new tenant to discuss stock management on the hillside. Some funding available for conservation and upkeep.

    Emily La Trobe-Bateman

    Yn gweithio ar y ochor treftadaeth. Annog pobl i gymeryd diddordeb. Cofnodi a cynnal cofnodion. Mae rhywfaint o wybodaeth ar safle we GAT. Mae adroddiad ar gael ac fe fyddaf yn ei gylchredeg. Adnoddau ar gyfer ysgolion yno hefyd. Rydym yn cael ein harianu o sawl lle gyda’r mwyafrif yn dod gan y llywodraeth. Mae gennym cynllun rheoli a byddaf yn ei gylchredeg.

    I work on the heritage side. Encourage people to take an interest. Record and maintain records. Some information on GATs website. Resources for school there as well. We are funded from many sources but the bulk comes from the government. We have a management plan which I will circulate.

    Bleddyn Jones

    I nodi mannau arbennig o fewn Llyn, mae Tre Ceiri yn fam pwysig ac rydym wedi gwneud rhywfaint o waith ar y safle ac wedi gosod arwydd ar waelod y llwybr. Arianwyd y gwaith gan arian Treftadaeth y Loteri. Mae yna bryder am gyflwr y tyfaint ar y copa ac am barcio ar y ffordd.

    To identify special areas in Llyn, Tre Ceiri is an important site and we have done some work on the site and have put a sign at the bottom of the path. The work was funded by the Lottery Heritage Fund. There are concerns about the quality of the vegetation on the top and the parking on the road.

    Wyn Williams

    Cyfrifoldeb am hawl i dramwyo a mynediad, mae pobol yn dueddol i gerdded oddiar y llwybr. Bryder am barcio a sut i farchnata y safle.

    Responsibility for right of way and access, people tend to deviate off the paths. Concerns about parking and how to market the site.

    Andrew Godber

    Dim cyfrifoldeb uningyrchol ond mae gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth dir yn Nant Bach, Trefor. Mae’r Ymddireiedolaeth yn un o’r mudiadau pwysig mewn treftadaeth yn Llyn ac yn gweithio gyda sawl prosiect fel Ffordd y Pererinion a Amgueddfa Eco (syniad a ddaeth o Ffrainc). Mae Cyngor Gwynedd a Nant Gwrtheyrn yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth i gyflwyno y prosiect yma.

    No direct involvement in managing but we have land at Nant Bach, Trefor. The National Trust is a big player in heritage on the Llyn and involved in other projects-The Pilgrim’s

    Way and Eco Museum (an idea that came from France). Gwynedd Coubcil and Nant Gwrtheyrn are working in partnership to deliver this project.

    Carl Clowes

    Yn y gadair yn cynrychioli’r trydydd sector yn datblygu’r iaith a treftadaeth diwidianol. Mae Antur Aelhaearn yn dathlu 40 o flynyddoedd eleni ac yn edrych i’r dyfodol.

    In the chair representing the third sector, working to develop the language and industrial heritage. Antur Aelhaearn are celebrating 40 years this year and are looking to the future.

    Lynda Cox

    Ysgrifennydd Antur Aelhaearn ac yn cymeryd y cofnodion. Wedi gweithio yn y trydydd sector yn Llanaelhaearn ers dros 35 o flynyddoedd ac y awyddus i wedl y pentref yn fynnu.

    Secretary of Antur Aelhaearn and taking the minutes. Has worked in the third sector in Llanaelhaearn for over 35 years, eager to see the village flourish.

    Richard Parry Hughes

    Angen gwarchod a cynnal y safle yma. Mae’r syniad wedi tyfu ar ol gweld rhywbeth tebyg yn Ffrainc.

    There is a need to conserve and manage this site. This is an idea that I had after a visit to France.


    Pwyntiau i drafod

    Points to discuss

    1. Cytuno canllawiau i hyrwyddo Tre Ceiri yn cynwys ymweliadau a cyflwyniadau oddiar y safle.
    2. Agree guidelines for promoting interest in Tre Ceiri to include visits and off site presentations.
    3. Mynediad i’r safle
    4. Access to the site.
    5. Traffic a parcio
    6. Traffic and parking.
    7. Y ffordd orau i gydlynnu amcanion Antur Aelhaearn i greu canolfan menter o fewn Porth i Lyn
    8. .Ian Halfpenny
    9. Rhaid cofio fod yr ardal yma yn cynwys fermydd ac fe fydd rhaid trafod gyda’r tirfeddianwr/tenant. Y cwestiwn o brynnu y safle ddim wedi codi, fel arfer byddwn yn prynnu pethau fel tai gweithwyr ond efallai y buasai’n bosib gwneud rhywbeth. Rhaid cysidro sut i hyrwyddo a gwarchod.
    10. The best way to co-ordinate Antur Aelhaearn’s objectives in creating an enterprise within the Gateway to Llyn.

    We must remember that this is a working landscape with farms, and we will have to discuss with the landowner/tenant. The question of buying has not come up, we usually

    buy things like workers’ cottages but there is always something that can be done. We must consider how to promote and protect.

    Andrew Godber

    Wrth weithio ar treftadaeth/twristiaeth dwi wedi sylweddoli y pwysigrwydd ar edrych ar rhydwaith o safleodd yn hytrach na un safle. Mae rhai safleodd yn gyfystyr a pethau penodol ee Cernyw a twristiaeth efallai y buasai Llyn yn medru dod yn enwog am twristiaeth treftadaeth.

    While working on heritage/tourism I have come to realise that it is impoetant to look at a network of sites rather than one site. Some sites are synonomus with certan things eg Cornwall and tourism perhaps that Llyn could be known for heritage tourism.

    Rolant Evans

    Fe fuasai Tre Ceiri yn cydfynd a twristiaeth treftadaeth.

    Tre Ceiri couls fit in with tourism and heritage.

    Ian Halfpenny

    Mae yna gaerau eraill o fewn yr ardal yna a mae’n bwysig edrych ar yr holl ardal fel tirlun weithgar fyw.

    There are other hillforts in the area and it is important to see at the whole area as a working landscape

    Carl Clowes

    Mae ffordd y pererinion yn mynd trwy Llanaelhaearn.

    The Pilgrims’ Way goes through Llanaelhaearn.

    Richard Parry Hughes

    Mae Euros Roberts yn methu a bod yn presennol heddiw ond mewn cyfarfod a ni yn ddiweddar fe ddywedodd fod hwb wedi ei greu i Enlli/Aberdaron ac efallai y buasai un i ardal yr Eifl yn bosib hefyd.

    Euros Roberts is unable to be here today but at a recent meeting with us he said that a hub has been created for Bardsey/Aberdarn and perhaps one could be created for the Eifl area as well.

    Emily La Trobe-Bateman

    Mae hwn yn ffordd i annog pobl i ymweld a chaerau eraill ac i gymeryd diddordeb ynddynt. Rydym wedi cynnal ymweliadau gyda tywysydd ar rhai safleodd.

    This is a way to encourage people to visit other hillforts and to take an interest in them. We have had escorted visits at some sites.

    Richard Parry Hughes

    Fe fyddai fifer fawr o ymwelwyr yn achosi difrod a fe fydd rhaid cadw rheolaeth.

    A large number of visitors could cause damage and must be managed.

    Carl Clowes

    Mae Antur Aelhaearn yn ymwybodol fod angen cyflogaeth yn yr ardal yma ac mae hwn yn cyfle pwysig i adfiwio’r economi leol, ond mae angen llif cyson o arian i gynnal y prosiect.

    Antur Aelhaearn are aware that jobs are needed in this area and this is an important chance to stimulate the local economy, but needs a constant stream of finance to sustain the project.

    Wyn Williams

    Fe fydd angen cynnal y diddordeb yn y safle mewn blynyddoedd i ddod. Ar hyn o bryd nid oes gofnod am faint o ymwelwyr sydd yn dod i’r safle yn flynyddol. Ni does bwriad ar hyn o bryd i ddatblygu mwy o safleodd parcio ar ben yr allt.

    Mae rhannau o’r ffordd yma yn beryglus ond gyda mannu gwellt reit lydan.

    There will be a need to sustain interest in the site in years to come. At the moment there are no records of yearly visitor numbers to the site. At the moment there is no intention of developing more parking areas at the top of the hill.

    Parts of the road are dangerous with a large grass verge.

    Carl Clowes

    Mae Ian Thomas, pensaer wedi creu darlun o sut y byddai’r porth yn gallu edrych yn y pentref gyda digon o le parcio, fe fydd llwybr newydd i ben yr allt yn cael ei greu.

    Ian Thomas an architect has prepared these drawings showing how the Gateway could look in the village with plenty of parking spaces, a new footpath up the hill would be created.

    Emily La Trobe-Bateman

    Y flwyddyn nesaf fe fyddwn yn cydweithio a Prifysgol Bangor i gysylltu pobl a safleoedd. Mae ap ar gael ac fe fydd adnoddau digidol da ar gael am Dre Ceiri erbyn yr Hydref. Fe fydd CDAW yn cyfarfod efo’r asiant a’r tenant ddydd iau i drafod rheolaeth stoc.

    Next year we will be working with Bangor University to connect people and places. There is an app available and good digital resources about Tre Ceiri should be available online by the Autumn. CADW will be meeting with the agent and tenant on Thursday to discuss stock management.


    Mae ffermio yn yn cael effaith ar mynediad a chadwraeth mae yma le bioamrwiaeth pwysig

    Farming has an effect on access and conservation and there is an important biodiverse area

    Mae gan y tenant presennol les o 5 mlynedd ac mae’r ffarm ym merchnogaeth dynes o Dde Cymru.

    The present tenant has a 5 year lease and the farm is owned by a lady from South Wales.


    Wyn Williams

    Mae Derek Brockway wedi cerdded y ffordd yma gyda criw yn ffilmio felly nid ydyw’n bosib rheoli bob gwybodaeth..

    Fe fydd rhaid cael hawl cynllunio i osos bwrdd gwybodaeth ar y llwybr.

    Os am symud ymalen gyda’r cynllun mae’n rhaid iddo fod yn gynllun cynaladwy dda i ddenu ymwelwyr a cadw eu diddordeb.

    Derek Brockway has walked this way with a film crew so it is not possible to control all information.

    Planning permission will be need to place a board on the path.

    Carl Clowes

    Felly i orffen, pwy sydd yn gwneud beth a pha bryd.

    In conclusion, who is going to do what and when.

    Richard Parry Hughes

    Y cyfarfod yma yn bwysig, rhaid cael partneriaeth ehangach. Fe fydd eisiau llif cyson o arian I’w gynnal ne fydd eisiau dibynnu ary café/siop. Mae hyn y ddibynol ar ein cais cynllunio, mae gan Antur Aelhaearn Gynllun Datblygu mewn lle.

    This meeting is important, we need a wider partnership. We will need a constant flow od finance to sustain it or we will have to rely on the shop/café. This is dependent on our planning application. Antur Aelhaearn have a Development plan in place.

    Lynda Cox

    Cytuno efo beth mae Richard wedi ei ddweud, mae sawl elfen i hanes Llanaelhaearn, Antur Aelhaearn, y chwarel. Mae Tre Ceiri yn safle pwysig ac mae angen ei ddehongli.

    Agree with what Richard has said, there are other elements to the history of Llanaelhaearn, Antur Aelhaearn and the Quarry. Tre Ceiri is an important site and it needs to be interpreted.

    Andrew Godber

    Mae gan Llywarch Jones yn Nhrefor ddiddordeb mewn treftadaeth, diwydianol a morwrol. Mae angen cynllun busnes gyda profeil o’r math o ymwelwyr yr ydym am dargedu.

    Llywarch Jones in Trefor has an interest in marine and industrial heritage. A business plan with a profile of the type of visitor we are targeting is needed.

    Wyn Williams

    Yn y tymor byr, cyfri faint o ddefnydd sydd ar y safle, trafod mynediad gyda’r tenant ac edrych ar y sefyllfa parcio.

    In the short term recording visits to the site, discussing access with the tenant and looking at parking.

    Emily La Trobe-Bateman

    Polisi rheolaeth at y dyfodol. Fe fyddai yn rhannu y Cynllun Rheoli. Mae Abergwyngregyn yn esiampl dda o gymuned yn datblygu a all fod o help i ni. Mae gan Treftadaeth y Loteri gwahannol botiau o arian ac fe fydd eisiau edrych ar astudiaeth dicholondeb a cynllun busnes.

    A management plan for the future. I will be circulating the management plan. Abergwyngregyn is a good example of a community developing and could help us. The

    Heritage Lottery Fund has different pots of money and we need to look at a feasibility study and business plan.

    Bleddyn Jones

    Cyfle yma ond rhaid bod yn ofalus sut mae’r safle yn cael ei reoli. Mae rhannu

    gwybodaeth a profeilio yn bwysig.

    An opportunity here but we must be carefull how the site is managed. Sharing information and profiling is important.

    Ian Halfpenny

    Dwi’n awyddus i beidio ac edrych ar Tre Ceiri a rei ben ei hyn, rhaid i’r gwaith gael ei gydlynnu ac fe fydd yn werth edrych ar gynllun rheoli amgylcheddol ac ar treftadaeth.

    I am quite keen not to look at Tre Ceiri in isolation, the work needs to be co-ordinated and it is worth looking at an environmental management plan and heritage

    Rolant Evans

    Er mwyn datblydu Cynllun Busnes rhaid cael y wybodaeth am ddefnydd o’r safle. Edrych ar gynlluniau tebyg llwyddianus ac anllwyddianus. Mae’r cynllun yn cydfynd ac amcanion

    treftadaeth a twristiaeth gwledig. Cronfa Cenedlaethol Wledig yn rhedeg i ganol 2015, mae’n bwysig fod y cymuned yn cymeryd y blaen ar ddatblygu. Cysylltu gyda’r swyddog brosiectau cymunedol a’r swyddog addysgu cymunedol.

    In order to develop a business plan we need the numbers on visits to the site. Look at similar plans both successful and unsuccessful, the plan fits in with heritage and rural tourism. The Rural Development Plan will run into the middle of 2015, it is important that the community takes the lead on development. Contact the community development officer and the community education officer.

    Carl Clowes

    Yn y cyfarfod yma mae rhai gyda rôl uniongyrchol wedi cael gwadd ella y tro nesa fe fedrwn wahodd rhai eraill efo diddordeb. Gan fod llawer o waith ymchwil i’w wneud tros yr Haf fe fydd y cyfarfod nesaf Hydref/Tachwedd.

    At this meeting those with a direct role have been invited to attend perhaps next time we can invite others with an interest. As there is a lot of research to be done over the Summer the next meeting will be October/November.

Cyflogwyd Jim O’Roarke i weithio ar y cynllun ac i gyflwyno datganiad i Gronfa  Treftadaeth y Loteri.

E bost can Carl Clowes at senedd Antur Aelhaearn 12/4/15

Cadarnhau y weledigaeth ac ail bwysleisio y pwysigrwydd o gyd weithio gyda Nant Gwrtheyrn a Thafarn y Fic, Llithfaen

Annwyl gyfeillion,

Dw i`n gweld, o nodyn gan Lynda, fod Jim am drafod ddehongli Tre`r Ceiri gyda`r bobl yng Nghronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri.

Fel ydych yn gwybod, dw i`n cefnogol iawn i ddehongliad o`r fath ( Iwan wedi gwneud cryn gwaith ar y cynllun eisoes) a chredaf ei fod yn bwysig ein bod ni`n edrych ar y ddatblygiad mewn cyd-destun ehangach na`r capel yn unig.

Mae`r ymlyniad yn ddangos cynnig gan Iwan yn dilyn trafodaeth yn seiliedig ar eglwys yn Y Ffindir – eglwys ar siap tŷ crwn anferth, walia cerrig a thô glaswellt. – yn adlewyrchiad cyfoes a chyffrous o`r cytia` sydd i`w gael yn Nhre`r Ceiri.

O siarad yn bersonol, credaf yn gryf fod angen i `Porth I Lŷn` fod yn adeilad wnaiff danio`r ddychymyg, pensaerniaeth drawiadol, gwaith celfyddydol ac yn atyniad ynddo ei hun – gyda ddigon o gyfle i greu incwm !

I fynd yn ôl at y nodiada y llynedd, byddai`r Porth yn cynnig :

– dehongliad rhyngweithiol ar Dre`r Ceiri

– llwybr pwrpasol yn arwain o gefn y Ganolfan, heibio Ffynon Aelhaearn ar allt Llithfaen I fyny at gopa`r Eifl

– hanes yr hyn sydd i`w gael a gweld ar benrhyn Llŷn ar ei hyd

– siop cynnyrch o`r penrhyn – nid crefftau yn unig

– caffi cynnyrch lleol

– awditoriwm ar gyfer darlithoedd, cyfarfodydd, cynhadleddau

– safle Croeso Cymru i groesawu pobl i`r penrhyn

Rol y capel fyddai lleoliad gweinyddol ar gyfer y cyfan (lawr y grisia), swyddfeydd eraill i greu incwm ychwanegol a meithrinfa, wedi ei gysylltu â`r ysgol i fyny`r grisia`.

Mae Llanaelhaearn mewn lleoliad berffaith ar gyfer ddatblygiad o`r fath, wrth gyffordd de a gogledd y penrhyn, a mewn man gydag adnawdd arbennig iawn sydd heb gyflawni ei botensial i ddweud y lleia`.

Rhagwelaf gydweithio yn glos – a marchnata ar-y-cyd gydag achosion eraill yn yr ardal – yn enwedig Nant Gwrtheyrn a Thafarn y Fic.

Fel ydych yn cofio, cynhaliwyd cyd-gyfarfod eisoes gyda chynrychiolwyr Cyngor Gwynedd, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, AHNE, Ymddiriedolaeth Archaeolegol Gwynedd a`r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol a chytunwyd ar `Cylch Gorchwyl` ar gyfer y gweithgor`na i drafod y ddatblygiad. Fel mae Llŷr wedi crwybwyll yn ddiweddar, mae angen ail gynnull y grwp`ma.

Bydd Iwan yn amlwg yn medru ychwanegu at y cefndir, map manwl ac yyb. gyda`r gwaith a wnaeth `o eisoes ond gobeithio y bydd hyn o gymorth i edrych ar y potensial llawn sydd i`w gael yn yr ardal. Mi wn fod cynllun o`r fath yn mynd i gostio ond dyma`r union fath o fuddsoddiad sydd ei angen i sicrhau dyfodol ddisglair i`r fro a chyfiawnder i werth Tre`r Ceiri.


Byddai adnewyddu Capel y Babell yn Rhan 1 o brosiect cyffrous a fyddai yn sicrhau cyfleoedd gwaith i benntref Llanaelhaearn ac i’r ardal.

Syniad o sut fyddai y Porth I Lyn yn edrych ar ol cwbljau y prosiect.

Y Datganiad i Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri yng Nghaerdydd

Llanaelhaearn Heritage Centre

Antur Aelhaearn was the first community cooperative to be set up in the UK in 1974 and has over 40 years engaged in numerous projects to create employment and economic activity in the village of Llanaelhaearn. The “Antur” owns properties in the village which include a substantial workshop and office space currently rented to a catering company and a redundant chapel which was bopught in 2008 and  is intended for development as a heritage centre to  tell the story of Tre Ceiri and the history of the village and the “Antur”.

A Development Plan 2014-24 has been developed based on the potential incomes of up to £100,000 a year for the first ten years and then £200,000 a year for the second decade from the installation and operation of a single wind turbine on a hill in the village.

The Development Plan includes a number of key activities for the next ten years:

1) contributions to reduce fuel bills in every home

2) developing a Nursery and additional facilities for the school

3) a community shop

4) a heritage centre in the old chapel

5) improved broad band connections and community facilities

Substantial community engagement has taken place as the wind turbine project has developed which has shown strong support for the heritage centre project and the need for interpretation of the magnificent Tre Ceiri Iron Age Hill Fort which overlooks the village.

Antur Aelhaearn has three main aspects to its mission :

i)To promote the village community and tackle severe depopulation

  1. ii) To provide employment compatible with the character of the area

iii) To provide housing , facilities and servoces to benefit the community

The heritage centre project fits well with each of these aims and the location on the main road into the Llŷn peninsula from Caernarfon ( A499) offer an opportunity to develop a tourist attraction which offers a “gateway to the Llŷn” and which presents the story of the scheduled ancient monument ( CNO28) which is  Tre Ceiri ( in partnership with Cadw and Archeoleg Gwynedd )   and the history of  the 12th century church and 7th century story of Saint Aelhaiarn  and the Pilgrioms way to Bardsey and the 5th Century  Vortigan as well as the 40 year  history on the innovative Antur Aelhaearn itself  as the first UK community cooperative.

The Project

The project to renovate the chapel includes ( in addition to some 70m² of interpretation space on the ground floor) a shop and cafe and toilet which will support employment and sustainability of the centre as a viable community resouce into the future and a Nursery and community space on the first floor which will link to the adjacent village school yard.

Consideration of the heritage significance of Tre Ceiri and the other stories which will be told in the centre, together with consideration of ideas for the interpretation, displays , activities and costs is provided in Appendix 1 by Rosemary Allen of Headland Design. The initial estimate of costs for interpretive fit out, a three year project officer and activities and promotional costs is considered to be in the region of £250,000.

Tre Ceiri overlooking Llanaelhaearn             Capel y Babell owned by the “Antur”



Renovation of the Chapel and construction costs and fees

Iwan Thomas of B3 Architects has considered the  potential spaces which could be developed in the old chapel and how the chapel can link with the community space in the old vestry next door and with the school and school yard  which is on the other side of the chapel site  and the village playing field to the rear.

Construction costs, fit out of the cafe and shop areas and design team fees are estimated to be in the region of £747,600 which provides a total cost estimate for the project including interpretation, a  heritage project officer and  heritage activities of £997,600.

Initial consideration of the potential for match funding suggests that subject to progress to establish the  wind turbine that a sum of perhaps £400,000 could be raised by Antur Aelhaearn   through applications to other grant funders ( Cadw and some trusts and foundations) and through borrowing which is repaid by a contribution from the annual wind turbine incomes.

Antur Aelhaearn would thuis wish to explore the possibility of HLF grant aid of the order of £597,600 plus an allowance for contingency and inflation which could as much as  £150,000 @ 15% of the total project costs .

Currently the planning decision for the installation of the turbine is subject to an appeal to Welsh Assembly Government which should enable a decision in September 2015. The original application to Gwynedd County Council was rejected but the appeal  has been lodged in April 2015 and Antur Aelhaearn believe that there are strong grounds for a successful outcome on appeal.


Tre Ceiri is a major heritage asset in Wales of European significance  and a recognised Ancient Monument but has only a simple sign on site to indicate the history. Llanaelhaern offers a good location for a centre to offer interpretation and access to Tre Ceiri  and  the Antur are an established organisation with a building which can be developed as a heritage centre and a community resource. Planned activities  include offering walking tours to Tre Ceiri ( which would take about two hours from the heritage centre) as well as interactive displays and activities.


1) The heritage significance and stories- by Rosemary Allen of Headland design (page 4)

2) Proposed spaces, building works and costs by Iwan Thomas of B3 architects (page 13)

3) Antur Aelhaearn Development Plan 2014-2024- power point slides (seperate pdf)


Jim O’Rourke for Antur Aelhaearn

June 2015

01970 625635

Appendix 1: Tre’r Ceiri and Llanaelhaearn

1              The heritage stories

1.1          The setting Tre’r Ceiri is considered to be one of the finest and certainly one of the best-preserved Iron Age hillforts in Britain. It occupies a large hilltop site overlooking Llanaelhaearn to the east and Trefor to the north on the Llyn Peninsula, close to the recently refurbished and very well interpreted former quarrying village and Welsh language centre at Nant Gwytheyrn . The name Tre’r Ceiri translates as City of Giants, an indication of how impressive later inhabitants of the area found the remains of the settlement to be.


1.2          Llanaelhaearn The nearest village is Llanaelhaearn, which together with the village of Trefor has a population of around 1,100. In spite of fantastic scenery which draws tourist visitors throughout the year and agriculture and fishing industries, the Llyn area, which was for a long time dominated by the quarrying industry, has suffered for many years from outward migration, poor employment prospects and inadequate housing for many local people. This was compounded by the number of second homes in the area owned by wealthier people from elsewhere. In the Llyn Area Regeneration Scheme of 2007 to 2013 Llanaelhaearn was identified as one of eight “communities of need”. And a number of actions were identified to improve housing stock and access to services and to promote skills learning and employment.

Similar problems over 40 years ago in 1974 caused a young doctor called Carl Clowes to set up Antur Aelhaearn in the village of Llanaelhaearn to address similar issues but predominantly poor health at that time. The organisation was an Industrial and Provident Society, which promoted employment and development and was aimed at developing and sustaining the local community. It was the first community co-operative registered in the UK and was the result of local people coming together to stem the tide of people leaving the village through economic regeneration projects. Today it is the oldest in the country.

In 1870-72, John Marius Wilson’s Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Llanaelhaearn:

LLANAELHAIARAN, or LLANHAIRN, a parish, with a small village, in Pwllheli district, Carnarvon; in the Lleyn peninsula, 5½ miles N by E of Pwllheli, and 7 SW by S of Nanttle r. station. It has a post office under Pwllheli. Acres, 6,698; of which 220 are water. Real property, £2,885; of which £250 are in quarries. Pop in 1851,616; in 1861,736. Houses, 151. The increase of pop. arose from the extension of granite quarries. The property is divided among a few. Yr-Eivel or Rivel mountains, with Vortigern’s pass, are on the coast; they rise, with great abruptness, to an altitude of 1,868 feet; and, as seen from the head of the pass near the village, they present a magnificent escarpment of frowning precipices. .

The ancient fortified British town of Tre’r Caeri is within the fastnesses of these mountains; and, though utterly unknown to record, is one of the most interesting and perfect antiquities of its class in the kingdom. It consists of several groups of cells or cyttiau, surrounded by a wall enclosing upwards of 5 acres, being more than 300 yards from E to W. The inner wall, which is very perfect, is in many places 15 feet high, and in some 16 feet broad; and has a parapet and walk upon it. There are nine groups of cells of varions forms,-round, oval, oblong, square, and in some instances a combination of hexagonal chambers leading to a circular one. ”Traces exist of copper and manganese.

1.3          Saint Aelhaiarn Llanaelhaearn like many Welsh parishes has a name made up of the word “Llan” for parish and the name of its patron saint and founder Aelhaiarn, which literally means “iron eyebrow”. Aelhaiarn was a disciple of the better known Saint Beuno, who is believed to have been born at Berriew in Powys and to have been the grandson of a prince, descended from Vortigern, the king of Britain.

After ordination in the monastery at Bangor, Beuno became a missionary with the support of Cadfan, king of Gwynedd. After an unresolved dispute with Cadfan’s son Cadwallon, his cousin Gwyddaint “gave to God and Beuno forever” his land at Clynnog Fawr on the Llŷn peninsula to make amends for Cadwallon´s behaviour. Beuno established his own monastery on this land and lived there until the end of his life. He was credited with raising seven people from the dead, including his niece Gwenffrewi, and his disciple and cousin, Aelhaiarn.

Beuno was said to have left his cell near Clynnog every night to travel four miles and pray on a flat stone in the middle of the Afon Erch. Returning one night, he saw a man hidden in the dark. He prayed that if the stranger was a danger to him, he should die. Immediately afterwards, he saw wild animals appear from the forest and tear the man apart.

After Beuno realised that the man spying on him was his own disciple he put the man back together except for the bone beneath his brow, which was lost. He replaced this with an iron bit from his pike and brought him back to life. There is still a stone in Afon Erch, the shape of which is said to represent the marks of the kneeling Saint Beuno, worn through during his nightly visits.

1.4          St. Aelhaearn’s Church

The church is Grade II* and the nave dates from the 12th or early 13th century and the transepts from the 16th or 17th century. The chancel was enlarged in 1892 when the whole church was refurbished. One of the most notable features of the chancel is the old east window. In the wall of the nave there is a window that dates from the 16th century and a door that dates back to the 12th or 13th century, which was closed in 1930. The bell tower probably dates to 1749 which is inscribed on the bell along with the names of Griffith Jones and Robert Pritchard, Wardens.

In 1865 a stone was found in a field called the “Saint’s Garden”. It is from around the 5th or 6th century and is inscribed with Roman lettering which says “here lies Aliortus a man of Elmett”. The stone was placed on the wall of the north transept, where there is also a slate memorial tablet to Rev. John Evans of Bryn Bychan who became Bishop of Bangor in 1702 and died in 1724. Four chairs were also given in memory of him, which are decorated with the bishop’s mitre.
1.5          St Aelhaiarn’s Well

Today the well is house in a small stone building, built in 1975. It sits by the roadside out of Llanaelhaearn towards Nefyn and is locked. The well was once a major stopping point for pilgrims going to Bardsey Island. Miraculous cures were said to be brought about by “laughing” or “troubling of the water”, an irregular appearance of upwelling bubbles. By the 19th century, the Llanaelhaearn well was surrounded with an oblong basin and stone benches. Visitors would rest on them while waiting for the water to “laugh”. It was described as:

…a bright, bubbling spring of beautiful water, enclosed by a square wall about six feet high with a stone bench along its inner side, and recesses above for the goods and, it may be, the offerings of pilgrims.

After an outbreak of diphtheria in 1900, however the well was enclosed and then later locked away from the public. Pennant visited during his tour at the end of the eighteenth century, writing “ Near (the church) is a fine well, once much frequented for its reputed sanctity

Suggesting that, even by then, the well was falling into disuse. During the nineteenth century the water was partly diverted to provide a water supply to the village.

1.6          Bardsey Island – the gate to paradise St. Aelhaearn’s Church was also on the pilgrim road to Bardsey Island. Pilgrims came here after visiting St Beuno’s Church,




Bardsey was a popular destination for medieval pilgrims (three pilgrimages to Bardsey were said to offer the equivalent salvation as one to Rome). The island had originally been a 5th-century refuge for Christians fleeing persecution. Then in 516 Saint Cadfan, a Breton nobleman, arrived and founded a monastery. Much later, Saint Mary’s Abbey was built. For centuries afterwards the island became “the holy place of burial for all the bravest and best in the land”, known to Bards as “the road to heaven and the gate to paradise”.


1.7          Tre’r Ceiri

Described as “evocative and breath-taking” the Iron Age hillfort of Tre´r Ceifi stands 450 metres above sea level on an exposed peak of Yr Eifl on the Llŷn Peninsula. in Gwynedd.  It is one of the best preserved and most densely occupied hillforts in Britain with stone ramparts surviving in places to near full height that they would have originally been. The site is a Scheduled ancient Monument no CN028. Early investigations in 1904 and 1906 involved the clearance of many house interiors and the discovery of a number of important artefacts. Later survey and excavation of the hillfort took place during the 1950s. There have been recent excavations carried out by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust.

The following information about the site is taken from the National Museums of Wales’s web pages:

The earliest fort was defined by a stone wall, which surrounded an elongate area of the ridge top. It enclosed an Early Bronze Age cairn, which has been the focus of a recent excavation. The fort was entered through two main entrances, each with approaching trackways.


A second outer wall was later built around the western and northern sides of the fort. Small oval, terraced enclosures surround the fort and were probably used as stock enclosures and cultivation plots. A spring immediately outside the fort probably provided the water supply for people and animals. House styles appear to have changed through time.


The earliest were stone built roundhouses, whilst the latest were roughly rectangular in shape. During an intermediate period, circular houses were internally subdivided with stone walls, creating two or three rooms within a single building. The Iron Age fort probably housed 100 people living in about 20 houses. During the Romano-British period, the fort grew into a large village or small town with perhaps as many as 400 inhabitants.

Most of the finds from this hillfort, including pottery, iron tools, stone spindle-whorls and glass beads, belong to the Romano-British period (AD50-400), showing that it continued as a settlement during the occupation of north-western Wales by the Roman army.

In one of the houses, a fine and unique gold plated brooch was discovered. Its elaborate decoration is of the late La Téne art-style and it was probably made during the middle of the first century AD. This brooch is displayed in the Roman Archaeology Gallery at the National Museum Cardiff.

The fort covers 2.5 hectares, encircled by a dry stone wall. As impressive as the wall is now, it is even more impressive to realize that it originally stood over 4 metres high. It was built from loose stone gathered from the scree on the hillside. The wall originally featured a stone parapet walkway, which can still be glimpsed in places. Artist´s impression from a site interpretation panel showing what the houses would have looked like

1.8          The Vortigern Legend Local tradition strongly connects the 5th century British warlord Vortigern to Nant Gwrtheyrn, also known as the “Valley of Vortigern”, which leads steeply down from Yr Eifl to the west coast of the Llyn peninsula. Whilst historians say that he is likely to have really existed, information about Vortigern is deeply shrouded in legend. According to which he took refuge in North Wales after battles with the Picts and the Scots.


The legend says that he had a headquarters in the area and that his grave Bedd Gwrtheyrn, is also nearby. Other place names like the “fort of Modrun”, the name of Vortigern´s granddaughter, support the story. The name “Castel Gwrtheyrn” was once marked on Ordnance Survey maps around the area of Tre’r Ceiri but no longer is. There have been some suggestions that Tre´r Ceiri was Vortigern´s fortress. The commanding location with high walls and views in all directions gives some credence to this view.

2              Heritage themes

Tre’r Ceiri and Llanaelhaearn have significant heritage stories to tell across a range of key themes and sub themes, some of which are interconnected with other heritage interpretation in the area and across North Wales.


  • Tre’r Ceiri                           The Iron Age hillfortHow people lived in the pastReading the landscape


  • Building with stone
  • How we learn from archaeology
  • The Roman influences and overlays


  • Welsh saints                     The age of Saints and its place in Welsh history
  • The story of Saint Beuno and Saint Aelhaiarn


  • The Pilgrim´s Way          Saint Aelhaiarn´s ChurchLinks across North Wales


  • Bardsey Island
  • The well and the healing waters


  • Antur Aelhaiarn              The oldest community cooperative registered in the UK


  • Working together for the common good

3              Celebrating and communicating the  heritage


Llanaelhaearn and Trefor have a strong community with well-understood and often shared cultural traditions and beliefs. The Llyn Peninsula is a popular tourist location with high levels of repeat visitors many of whom have a strong affection for the area and an interest in its unique heritage.

The refurbished Capel y Babell can offer community benefits in the form of the nursery and of a café and shop with toilets and information centre, which celebrates local heritage, draws in volunteers who can learn new skills and communicates heritage to local people and to visitors to the area.

The heritage stories can be communicated in a number of ways which are likely to include guided tours, soundscapes, creative projects and formal, built interpretation. It is very important that the communication is akin to an ongoing conversation and isn´t just static. Although a number of elements such as tactile and interactive models of the hillfort, graphic panels, interactive games and handling material are likely to be created for use without facilitation, an officer in place for three to four years will be a vital element in the communication process. Such a post would be able to achieve a great deal in terms of involving people in the creation of the interpretation as well as recruiting and training volunteers and facilitating activities and events for a fixed term period, with a view to their work being continued by volunteers after the conclusion of a project.


3.1          Interpretation

Initial ideas for interpretation include:

  • a round house role play and dressing up area;
  • interactive models of the hillfort when first built, after the Roman invasions and now;
  • graphic interpretation around the key themes and sub themes with interactive exhibits such as design a stained glass window and how to build with stone
  • games and puzzles about the Pilgrim´s Way
  • A creative area for painting and collage using waste paper and recycled pieces of cloth
  • A wall of views from the past
  • Changing display of views from the present
  • Soundscapes from the hillfort from history and legend

3.2          Activities  

Facilitated activities would take place both on the creation of the interpretation and on continually changing displays around views of the village and the hillfort today using the creative area. These activities would include:

  • Recruiting and training volunteers for guided walks, storytelling and facilitating the creation of collaged images
  • A community project to create the wall of views from the past
  • Project with young people to create soundscapes from the hillfort
  • Ongoing projects around sound recordings and collaged images inspired by heritage
  • Storytelling
  • Community events and open days

4              Costs

A broad brush costing of £1,600 per square metre for 50 square metres provides a budget of £80,000 including fees for interpretive fit-out assuming that all finishes and an electrical supply are in place. Running water would also be essential for a creative arts area.

A further £90,000 would need to be allowed to cover the costs of a facilitation officer including some equipment and furnishings associated with their work; £10,000 for a wall of views from the past project and £10,000 for a soundscapes project. There would also need to be annual budgets for publicity and marketing and for consumable materials for ongoing activities and events.

Broad brush cost estimates for communicating heritage

Interpretive fit-out                                        80,000

Project officer for 3 years                            80,000

Equipment                                                         10,000

Views of the past project                             10,000

Soundscape project                                        10,000

Publicity & marketing                                   30,000

Consumables/ bought in services            30,000


£250,000 plus non-rreclaimable  VAT

Appendix 2 – Initial schemes to Renovate Capel y Babell by Iwan Thomas of B3 architects

Cost estimates for Capel y Babell Renovation

1) Renovation of the old chapel building @ 285m² ( 10.5m x 13.6m x2 floors) and £1,500/m²

= £427,500

2) The link building to house the lift and stairs/lobby @ 35m² x 2 floors and £2,500/m²

= £175,000

3) External works to include ramp from the school yard

= £25,000

4) Fit out of shop, cafe and kitchen

= £40,000

Total construction costs £667,500

5) Architect and Design Team fees @ 12% = £80,100

Total Renovation and Design Fee costs = £747,600 + VAT

Adroddiad am ymateb y Loteri

Canolfan Treftadaeth Tre Ceiri/ y Babell Llanaelhaearn- Cyfarfod Loteri Treftadaeth

 Gorffennaf 16, 2015- Jim O’Rourke a Sally Roberts


Cyflwynwyd Datganiad o Ddiddordeb gan Antur Aelhaearn i Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri ar Orffennaf 12fed , 2015 dan enw Lynda Cox . Roedd y tystiolaeth yn cynnwys dogfennau cefnogol megis yr adroddiad gan Jim O’Rourke, Iwan Thomas-  (y pensaer o B3) a Rosemary Allen  (o Headland Design)   parthed y syniad o greu Canolfan Ddehongli Tre Ceiri  yng Nghapel y Babell, Llanaelhaearn.

Cyflwynwyd hefyd ddogfen gan Antur Aelhaearn parthed nifer o brosiectau sydd yn gysylltiedig gyda’r potensial i sicrhau datblygiadau yn y pentref sydd yn cael eu hariannu gan y tyrbin gwynt arfaethedig. Bydd y prosiectau i gyd felly yn ddibynnol ar lwyddiant yr apêl cynllunio ar gyfer y tyrbin sydd  ar y gweill ar hyn o bryd – gyda gobaith o ganlyniad yn ystod Medi 2015.

Trefnwyd cyfarfod felly gyda Sally Roberts – Swyddog Datblygu’r Gronfa Treftadaeth yng Nghymru  ar Orffennaf 16 i drafod y posibiliad o gais i GTL i ariannu  Canolfan Treftadaeth yn Llanaelhaearn.

Y Datganiad o Ddiddordeb ( Cyfeirnod HG-12-10931)

Roedd gan Sally Roberts diddordeb mawr yn y prosiect a’r potensial i greu canolfan i ddehongli Tre Ceiri a’r hanes cyfoethog lleol ers oes y seintiau ac yn fwy diweddar yn Llanaelhaearn. Roedd y papur yn rhoi’r cefndir yn effeithiol ac yn codi diddordeb y loteri treftadaeth.

Roedd nifer o agweddau atyniadol:

1) Yr agwedd cynaliadwyedd- erbyn hyn mae hyn yn brif elfen ar gyfer unrhyw brosiect sydd yn derbyn grant y loteri treftadaeth gan fod sicrwydd incwm digonol i gynnal unrhyw ganolfan newydd yn allweddol yn oleuni’r crebachu yn y cyfle i gael mynediad at arian cyhoeddus. Bydd rhaid i unrhyw brosiect felly cyflwyno cynllun busnes sydd yn gadarn ac yn gosod yn hyderus y ffynonellau incwm tebygol. Bydd e ddim yn ddigon yn awr  i amcan incwm o siop  neu gaffi sydd yn seiliedig ar amcan ar gyfer y  niferoedd ymwelwyr o hyn ymlaen. Mae angen mwy o sicrwydd ac amrediad o ffynonellau incwm i sicrhau sail gadarn  i’r cynllun busnes. Ond roedd y potensial incwm o’r tyrbin i gynnal y costau o flwyddyn i flwyddyn yn ffordd i gyflwyno achos busnes mwy cadarn ar gyfer y prosiect yma.

2) Wrth gwrs roedd y posibiliad o ddatblygu canolfan yn ddibynnol yn llwyr ar lwyddiant gydag apêl y cais cynllunio am y tyrbin.

3) Roedd y syniad o Feithrinfa yn apelio hefyd gan fod hyn yn galluogi sail ariannol fwy cadarn i’r fenter gan fod y ddibyniaeth wedyn ar yr  incwm o’r siop a chaffi yn lleihau.

4) Roedd y linc gyda’r ysgol a’r feithrinfa hefyd yn cyfoethogi’r potensial am weithgareddau a bydd y cais yn fwy tebygol o lwyddo os oes modd i roi mwy o enghreifftiau o gyd weithio gyda chyrff lleol – fel canghennau’r Urdd- Adran ac Aelwyd ac efallai Nant Gwrtheyrn yn dilyn y buddsoddiad mewn adnoddau llety newydd yn ddiweddar sydd yn  addas i grwpiau. Roedd arwyddion clir o bartneriaethau  gyda chyrff eraill yn lleol yn allweddol ac yn hanfodol i ddangos bod modd datblygu rhwydwaith o gysylltiadau i sicrhau ymwelwyr grŵp i’r atyniad newydd.

Roedd angen mwy na ddisgwyliad bod modd ddenu ymwelwyr sydd ar wyliau ac yn pasio heibio’r lleoliad ond cydnabyddiaeth bod y lleoliad yn dda ar gyfer ymwelwyr sydd yn teithio rhwng Caernarfon a Phwllheli .

5) Roedd y syniadau i ddatblygu grŵp o wirfoddolwyr i dywys ymwelwyr i ben Tre Ceiri yn apelio a hefyd y bwriad i geisio cael yr “artefacts o Tre Ceiri ” sydd yn yr Amgueddfa Genedlaethol yn ôl mewn arddangosfa yn y Ganolfan Treftadaeth yn Llanaelhaearn.

6) Y brif sialens bydd sicrhau tystiolaeth ddigonol bod cyfle go iawn i ddenu digon o ymwelwyr sydd wedyn  yn gwario digon i gynnal y ganolfan i’r dyfodol gan brofi hefyd bod galw am  y ganolfan .

7) Yna trafodwyd y cynllun uchelgeisiol yn seiliedig ar syniadau Carl ac Iwan y pensaer am ganolfan tebyg i hynny sydd wedi ei ddatblygu yn Armagh. Serch bod y syniad yn gyffrous roedd y swyddog ddim yn teimlo bod modd i’r Loteri Treftadaeth ariannu adnodd o’r fath yma yn Llanaelhaearn  – h.y. bod e’n rhy fawr i’r atyniad  (sef Tref Ceiri)  a bod annhebygrwydd bydd modd profi’r angen a’r potensial am incwm digonol i gynnal y math yma o  ganolfan.

8) Mae gan y Gronfa Loteri  Treftadaeth  tua £4.4m i rannu allan yn flynyddol yng Nghymru – a hynny mewn 4 cyfarfod  sef tua £1.1m i bob cyfarfod . Yn y cyfarfod ddiwethaf roedd 9 cais am gyfanswm o £7m ac roedd dau cais llwyddiannus sef un am £700k ac un am £300k. O ystyried y math o atyniad sydd dan sylw yn Llanaelhaearn bydd e’n synhwyrol i geisio am grant o’r Gronfa Loteri Treftadaeth o tua £300k. Mae angen meddwl am brosiect felly sydd yn gallu symud yn ei flaen gyda’r math hyn o gefnogaeth.

9) Yr unig ffordd felly i wireddu y weledigaeth mawr o ganolfan sydd yn costio tua £2m- £3m yw llwyddiant i ddarganfod grant arall am y cost adeiladu gan ddefnyddio y grant gan y  Loteri Treftadaeth efallai ar gyfer yr agweddau ddehongli/ arddangosfeydd/ swyddog treftadaeth a’r gweithgareddau treftadaeth. Bydd modd i’r Antur ystyried hyn efallai  pryd mae sicrwydd am yr incwm o’r tyrbin ond bydd angen blaenoriaethu y prosiect yma  wedyn ar gyfer canran helaeth efallai o’r incwm o’r tyrbin dros nifer o flynyddoedd gan sicrhau benthyciad felly ar sail y potensial i dalu amdano o’r incwm blynyddol o’r tyrbin.


10) Ofnaf fod y potensial am grant o arian Ewrop neu Lywodraeth Cymru wedi ei leihau yn sylweddol. Does dim grantiau Ewrop i gynlluniau fel hyn yn awr – ar wahân i symiau bychain efallai o’r Gronfa Wledig a does dim llawer o gyllideb gan Groeso Cymru sydd yn disgwyl bod mod creu un swydd am bob £8,000 – £10,000 o grant . Bydd 2/3 swydd efallai felly yn denu grant oddeutu £30,000 . Mae’r cyllidebau sydd gan Cadw yn lleihau hefyd.

8) Bydd y Gronfa Loteri Treftadaeth hefyd yn ddisgwyl cefnogaeth gan gyllidwyr eraill i alluogi y datblygiad o’r Meithrinfa  yn yr hen gapel. Un opsiwn yw cais o’r Gronfa Loteri Fawr am gofod y meithrinfa fel adnodd cymunedol newydd a hynny ar yr un pryd a chais i’r Loteri Treftadaeth am y gofod ar gyfer yr arddangosfeydd i  ddehongli Tre Ceiri.

9) Bydd sefydlu partneriaethau yn allweddol i’r prosiect- hy gyda Cadw, yr Amgueddfa Genedlaethol, mudiadau lleol a genedlaethol a chanolfannau fel Nant Gwrtheyrn yn ogystal â’r ysgol a grwpiau cymunedol yn y pentref. Mae’r llwybr arfordir, taith y pererinion a’r potensial i osod y ganolfan fel math o ganolfan gwybodaeth i dwristiaid wrth iddynt gyrraedd Pen Llyn yn apelio hefyd . Bydd rhaid dangos rhaglen o weithgareddau sydd yn adeiladu ar sail gadarn o ddiddordeb gan y gymuned leol ac ymwelwyr i’r ardal gydag ymchwil i ddangos bod sail i’r amcangyfrifon. Mae angen dangos yn glir bod angen am y math yma o ganolfan trwy ymchwil trwyadl.

10) i Gloi- mae tipyn o waith gan yr Antur felly i brofi bod y syniadau yma yn ymarferol a chynaliadwy. Yn y lle cyntaf bydd angen sicrhau’r caniatâd cynllunio  am y tyrbin ac yna dealltwriaeth  glir parthed y math o daliadau  all fod yn bosib o incwm y tyrbin i’r syniad am  Ganolfan Treftadaeth yn Llanaelhaearn. Yna bydd rhaid ystyried y ffordd ymlaen  yn oleuni’r potensial am efallai £300,000 o’r Loteri Treftadaeth  tuag at yr agweddau treftadaeth  ac efallai swm tebyg o’r Loteri Fawr tuag at y feithrinfa   a symiau tipyn llai mewn grantiau bach eraill.

11) Rwy’n meddwl bod y syniad i ddatblygu’r Capel fel canolfan i’r pentref yn unol â’r cynlluniau bras gan Iwan yn wneud synnwyr ac yn gynaliadwy ond bydd angen tipyn o waith eto pryd mae gan swyddogion yr Antur sicrwydd am y caniatâd cynllunio.

12) Bydd angen ystyriaeth yn ofalus hefyd i’r posibiliad o brynu tir ar gyfer adnoddau parcio a mynediad priodol gan fod yr agweddau yma yn anaddas ar hyn o bryd .

12) Yn y lle cyntaf mae’r syniad wedi ei dderbyn yn awr gan y Loteri Treftadaeth ac mae’r papurau a’r datganiad o ddiddordeb ar ei system yn awr.

E Bost gan Sally Roberts swyddog gyda’r Loteri

Dear Lynda

Many thanks for your project enquiry form for the project you are planning in Llanaelhaearn. Following my meeting with Jim O’Rourke last week I am including some points to consider before developing a full application.

HLF’s goal is to make a lasting difference for heritage and people. In assessing projects, we take into account the broad range of benefits that a project may deliver, and will give extra weight to the outcomes that we value most, such as learning. A summary of the projects outcomes we will be assessing can be found here.

  • Jim and I talked about the grant request and the possibility of applying to Big Lottery Fund for part of the project costs. I would encourage you to do this if possible as it will reduce the grant request to a programme which is currently very competitive. A wider range of match funding should also be explored.
  • Activity costs should be considered as well as the capital costs outlined in the enquiry form. In order to achieve the HLF outcomes, you will need to demonstrate how people will get the opportunity to actively learn about heritage as a result of the project and how much these activities will cost. Any training that is needed for participants should also be considered as one of the outcomes is that people will have developed skills.
  • We also talked about the possible partnerships that could be formed to deliver the project including National Museums Wales, Yr Urdd, Nant Gwrtheyrn, Cadw and local schools and societies. What these organisations can bring to the project should be highlighted, along with letters of support to evidence the discussion and planning that has already taken place.
  • The need for a centre of this kind was touched upon but you should prepare evidence of this need for the application. How do you know that a centre of this kind will be well used and that there is demand from local people and organisations to get involved? Have you considered the likely visitor numbers? Decision makers will want to know what you have based these figures on and whether they are realistic. It may be beneficial to talk to Visit Wales about your proposals too.
  • In terms of the sustainability of the project, you should highlight the considerations you have made for what will be needed in the longer term. How will the centre be managed in the future for example? What will happen to the Project Officer post once the project has ended and will the organisation need to address any training or governance gaps in order to manage a new attraction like this? In addition, as a new attraction, and due to the high competition levels we are currently receiving, I would encourage you to do some outline business planning to be submitted with a first round application. This plan can be finalised during the development phase if the application is successful but would be useful for decision makers at this early stage.
  • Finally, you should consider why this project should go ahead now. Due to the number of applications we receive and the budget that is available, you should highlight whether there is a risk to the heritage and what would happen if the project did not go ahead now.

You should familiarise yourself with the following guidance documents and consider the work you will need to carry out during the development phase should the application be successful.

Essential reading:

I hope you find this feedback useful and please feel free to get back in touch if you’d like to discuss the proposal further. It would also be useful to know if you are planning to submit a full application at some stage.

Best wishes

Sally Roberts

Swyddog Datblygu | Development Officer

Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri | Heritage Lottery Fund

9 Plas yr Amgueddfa | 9 Museum Place

Caerdydd | Cardiff CF10 3BD

Adroddia yn dilyn ymweliad Sally Roberts swyddog datblygu gyda’r Loteri

Nifer o sylwadau ar ol y cyfarfod ddoe- gyda ymddiheuriad am elfen o siarad blaen isod

Roedd e’n edrych braidd yn wan bod ddim ond dau ohonom  oedd  yno  gan ddeall hefyd bod Sally yn mynd ymlaen i gyfarfod y grŵp “treftadaeth”  yn Llithfaen- ond wnaethom ein gorau i esbonio bod gwell cyfle yn  Y Babell am ganolfan ddehongli Tre Ceiri gan fod perchnogaeth yr adeilad gennych ac rydych yn fudiad dielw  sydd yn brofiadol ac yn bodoli yn barod – roedd mantais hefyd yn y lleoliad ar y briffordd a bod gennych  nifer o elfennau eraill i’r atyniad treftadaeth sy dan sylw. Ond roedd neges clir gan Sally bod angen cydweithio gan bydd HLF ddim yn fodlon  ystyried ddau cais o’r un ardal am yr un math o ganolfan i ddehongli Tre Ceiri

Mae nifer o ffactorau sydd yn ansicr ac sydd yn tanseilio eich achos  ar hyn o bryd –colli’r sicrwydd am arian cyfatebol o’r felin gwynt-ansicrwydd am  ddyfodol yr ysgol ac yn oleuni hynny ansicrwydd efallai  parthed y potensial am rediad feithrinfa hy un o’r  prif agweddau i greu incwm i’r dyfodoly sialens i ddarparu adnoddau parcio a mynediad diogel i’r capel- bydd eich achos yn fwy cryf pe bai modd datrys hyn a phrynu’r cae cyn ceisio am grant

Does dim  cronfa grant gan HLF  i drwsio to’r capel ond wrth gyflwyno cais am grant sylweddol allwch gynnwys y gwaith ar y to yn ystod y cyfnod datblygu. Rwy’n amheus bydd modd cael grant arian i bawb i drwsio’r to hefyd gan fod ddim gweithgareddau yn dilyn y gwariant – hy y  canlyniad yw jyst to mwy diogel  ar y capel ac nid gofod allwch ddefnyddio i weithgaredd cymunedol

Wrth feddwl ceisio am grant i ddatblygu canolfan treftadaeth yn y capel  bydd angen cyflwyno cais cryf oherwydd y cystadlu sydd yno am bot weddol fach  a bydd angen cyflwyno gweledigaeth sydd yn gynaliadwy i’r dyfodol

Mae grant ar gael yn awr gan HLF  i weithio ar greu astudiaeth dichonoldeb cyn ceisio am grant mwy  a gallwch geisio am i fyny at £10k am y gwaith ar astudiaeth gychwynnol/ ystyriaethau marchnad ag ati

Yna allwch wneud cais mawr am i fyny at £500k gyda ddweud £40k ar gyfer creu cynllun busnes a chynlluniau manwl a cynllun ddehongli/ gweithgarwch treftadaeth ( ac yn y cais yno allwch gofyn am ddweud £10k i drwsio to y capel i sicrhau yr ased  i’r cynllun mwy wedyn.

Mae’n weddol amlwg bod angen cynllun llai costus yn awr wrth ddeall bod y £400k ddim yno o’r tyrbin-  un opsiwn efallai yw’r cynllun mwyaf syml i ddatblygu’r capel fel canolfan treftadaeth gyda siop a chaffi ar un llawr yn unig – hy wneud heb y linc i’r ysgol a’r ail lawr ar gyfer meithrinfa ( onibai bod modd sicrhau grant arall  ar gyfer y feithrinfa o gronfa loteri arall sef y Gronfa Loteri Fawr- ond bydd llwyddo gyda hynny yn ddibynnol i raddau ar sicrwydd dyfodol yr ysgol). Allwn ddychmygu cynllun sydd rhaid  costio llai na £350k  efallai wedyn am y gwaith adeiladu  ( + ffioedd)  i addasu’r capel o fewn y waliau presennol ond sydd yn creu gofod i arddangosfeydd a hefyd  chaffi a siop i greu incwm a gwasanaeth i’r pentref. Bydd modd wneud  cais wedyn i HLF am tua £250k am y gwaith adeiladu a £250k am swyddog ac arddangosfeydd a  gan chwilio am  oleuaf £150k o lefydd eraill (Mae Cronfa wledig RDP  yn opsiwn am arian cyfatebol ( i fyny at £120k ac yna  ymddiriedolaethau a grantiau llai eraill ) hy prosiect cyfanswm o lai na £600k- £650k os yn bosib  gan dderbyn eich bod yn cael y TAW yn ôl .

Mae angen i chi ystyried yn ofalus yn awr beth sydd yn bosib wrth edrych ymlaen o fan hyn

Roedd cyngor gan Sally hefyd am y potensial am gymorth o Fantell Gwynedd parthed cyfleoedd i ariannu’r gwaith ar y to a bydd hi yn dilyn y cyfarfod gydag e bost sydd yn rhoi syniadau am gronfeydd eraill